Challenges Influencing Physical Education Teachers Attitudes and Practices Towards Technology Use in Teaching at Senior High Schools in Central Region, Ghana

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Challenges Influencing Physical Education Teachers Attitudes and Practices Towards Technology Use in Teaching at Senior High Schools in Central Region, Ghana
Technology has influenced teaching, yet little is known about physical educators' predispositions and use of technology in planning and designing instruction. The study investigated senior high school physical education teacher's attitudes and practices regarding technology use and how it is applied in teaching. Thirty (30) physical education teachers were purposively selected from the senior high school in the Central Region of Ghana. Data collection instrument measured teacher's barriers, attitudes and technology use. Two research questions was answered. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of percentage, mean and standard deviation. Results shows that teachers possessed positive attitudes, but had limited use of technology. Results show a number of challenges influencing technology use such as budget, controls, class size, school/administrative support and training. The perception of importance/relevance reported shows a higher mean (M= 29.80, SD = 3.75), with technology proficiency reporting the lowest attitude (14.43, SD = 2.08) of the four attitude factors based on mean scores. It is recommended that physical educators will be ready and willing to apply technology to teaching if given opportunities to prepare and utilize appropriate resources.