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Event Planning and Management Practices of Funeral Rites among Asantes in Ghana

Prof., Amissah, Emmanuel Rexford Kodwo
Associate Professor

Amissah, E.R.K., Adjei, G. & Asante, E.
Publication Year
Article Title
Event Planning and Management Practices of Funeral Rites among Asantes in Ghana
European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Issue Number
Page Numbers
SSN: 2736-5522

The success of organizing funeral celebrations depends largely on how events are managed. Funeral celebration has been one of the major cherished tradition in Ghana. The study sought to examine event management practices on funeral rites among Asante people using Kumasi metropolis as a case study. The study employed the mixed method paradigm with exploratory and descriptive design. Convenience sampling technique was adopted in selecting sample size with eighty (80) event planners as the targeted population. Questionnaire and observation guide served as the main data collection tools for the survey. The results were analysed using descriptive statistics. It was established that most event managers get connected to their clients largely through referrals and advertisement on various radio stations. The financial position of clients influences the products and services rendered to them. The study concludes that challenges to event management on funeral rites include delay in releasing funds and lack of effective communication between event managers and clients. Event management practices as an essential tool to minimize cost and increase satisfaction is yet to defeat the large expenditure incurred by most Asantes in organizing funeral rites in Kumasi. The study recommends that event planning and management firms should create awareness and educate the public on the significance of adopting effective event management practice in funeral celebrations.

Key words: Asantes, Clients, Events, Funeral, Management

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba