An Exploratory Study of the Staging Limitations in Multiple-Set Design Practice in Ghana

An Exploratory Study of the Staging Limitations in Multiple-Set Design Practice in Ghana
This study investigates the staging limitations faced in multiple-set design practices within Ghanaian performance spaces. It adopts a comprehensive approach, incorporating personal interviews, direct observations, and critical assessments of various performance venues. Key sites profiled include the National Theatre of Ghana, the School of Creative Arts Auditorium at the University of Education, Winneba, the Efua Sutherland Drama Studio at the University of Ghana, the Main Auditorium of the University of Cape Coast, and the Centre for National Culture in Cape Coast. Through this multi-pronged methodology, the study identifies several critical challenges: architectural inadequacies, obsolete and non-functional equipment, poor maintenance practices, and a lack of expertise and funding. These findings highlight the urgent need for infrastructural upgrade and strategic planning to enhance the functionality and versatility of performance spaces in Ghana, thereby supporting the growth and development of contemporary theatre practice.