Vacation Theatre Camp 2023

The Department of Theatre Arts, UEW, is organizing a Vacation Theatre Camp during this long vacation. It is an intensive but interactive training programme on the introductory aspects of Theatre Arts (Acting, Scriptwriting, Directing, Technical Theatre, etc.).
Eligible Applicants
Senior High School Leavers interested in pursuing a degree or diploma in Theatre Arts.
Persons who are already in the Theatre/Film industry.
Persons who have interest in Acting or Script Development or Dance.
Persons who desire to receive basic knowledge in Performance Studies.
NB: Participants who satisfy the University admission requirements may be considered for Diploma or Degree programme in Theatre Arts at the Department of Theatre Arts, UEW.
The 8-week programme will last from 11th September to 3rd November 2023.
Participants will be awarded certificates at the end of the programme.
Applicants should purchase the Registration Form at the cost of Eighty Ghana Cedis (GH80.00) from the Account Office of the School of Creative Arts, or the secretariat of Theatre Arts, UEW, Central Campus.
In addition, applicants who would like to be considered for admission into the regular Diploma or Degree programme in Theatre Arts after the vacation camp should purchase online application forms for 2023/2024 academic year.
Please visit for application details.
Participation Fees
Participants will pay Eight Hundred Ghana Cedis only (GH800.00) to cover the cost of the Training during the Vacation Theatre Camp. Fees payment should be made GCB, Winneba Branch, Account Number 3051130005320. For further enquiries contact: 0246089974.