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B. B. A. Marketing

Type Duration Classifications Entry Modes
Undergraduate 4 years Regular/Full Time Direct

Entry Requirement

A. SSSCE Candidates

• Candidate must have credit passes in six (6) subjects comprising three (3) core subjects, including English Language, Mathematics and Science/Integrated Science OR Social Studies, plus

• Credit passes in any other three (3) elective subjects.

B. WASSCE Candidates

• Candidate must have credit passes in six (6) subjects comprising three (3) core subjects, including English Language, Mathematics and Science/Integrated Science ORSocial Studies, plus

• Credit passes in any other three (3) elective subjects.

C. GCE Candidates

• Must possess credit passes in six (6) subjects comprising three (3) core subjects, including English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science, plus

• Credit passes in any three of the following subjects: Accounting, Business Management, Costing, Economics, Mathematics, Government and Geography.

D. GBCE/ABCE/RSA Candidates

• Must possess credit passes in six (6) subjects comprising three (core) subjects, including English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science OR Social Studies, plus

• Credit passes in any three (3) elective subjects (i. e. Accounting, Business Management, Costing, Finance, Business Mathematics,

• Economics, Office Practice, Law, Marketing)

A. Mature Candidates

• Applicants must be at least 25 years old by September 1 of the academic year one wants to enrol.

• Must have a pass in Mature Entrance Examinations in both the Subject Area Test (SAT) and General Aptitude Test (GAT).

• Candidate’s performance in an interview will determine the level of placement (Level 300, Level 200 or Level 100).

B. Teachers’ Certificate ‘A’ Candidates

• Must have Mathematics and English Language.

• Must have credit passes in any two Business related subjects.


Holders of ICAG, ACCA, CIMA, CISA, CIM, CIT certificates

• Must possess Part I or Level 2 of any of the following professional certificates, ICAG, ACCA, CIMA, CIB, CIT, CISA with

• English Language, Mathematics and Science from (SSSCE, WASSCE, GBCE, GCE, RSA II)

• Holders of RSA III, GBCE, ABCE, DBS (Accounting).

• Holders of HND or other equivalent Management, Procurement and Supply Chain, Accounting, Marketing and Secretariat

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