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Efa, Y. & Frimpong, S. A.
Publication Year
Article Title
Effect of Gender on Senior High School Students' Performance and Perception of Core Mathematics in the Cape Coast Metropolis of Ghana
African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences
Issue Number
Page Numbers

This study investigated the gender differences in senior high school student's performance
and perception of core mathematics in the Cape Coast Metropolis of Ghana. A mixed
approach was used specifically the sequential explanation mixed method. A purposive,
convenient, simple and stratified sampling method was employed in the study to select
393 senior high school students, consisting of 212 males and 181 females. Data was
collected through the use of Mathematics Perception Questionnaires (MPQ), a
mathematics test, and an interview protocol. Quantitative data (questionnaires and
mathematics tests) was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics, while
qualitative data (interviews) was analysed on a thematic basis. The results of the study
revealed that there was a significant gender difference in students’ performance in
mathematics in favour of females. Female students reported feeling more supported in
mathematics by both parents and teachers than male students. Additionally, the results
revealed that there was no significant difference between males and females in their
perceptions of mathematics. Both males and females had a positive perception of
mathematics because they saw the subject to be an integral part of daily life, also a way to
succeed in many other areas The study recommends that stakeholders in the education
sector should provide equal opportunities for both male and female students to learn and
excel in core mathematics and also mathematics teachers in SHS should employ positive
behaviours during teaching and learning to help students of both genders perform better.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba