Factors affecting teaching and learning of Mathematics in the undergraduate mathematics students. A case study at the University of Education, Winneba.

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Factors affecting teaching and learning of Mathematics in the undergraduate mathematics students. A case study at the University of Education, Winneba.
In this study, we model and estimate how long a patient at Komfo Anokye Hospital can live with prostate cancer
diseases knowing the status of the cancer. A total of 199 patients (2005-2013) were retrieved. Variables considered
were age, treatment and stage of the cancer. AIC was used to select the best parametric model. By comparing different
parametric models using AIC, the result indicated that Weibull model fit best. A straight line graph of K-M survival
against time {log (-log S (t)) vs. log t)} produced confirmed Weibull assumption. A plot of Kaplan Meier hazard
with the Weibull hazard further confirmed the Weibull assumption.