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Surveying Aspects of Biology Instructional Practices in Selected Schools in the Central Region of Ghana

Dr. Amoah, John Ekow Mbir
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 Amoah, J.E.M., Eminah, K., Ngman-Wara, E.I.D., Azure, J.A.
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Article Title
Surveying Aspects of Biology Instructional Practices in Selected Schools in the Central Region of Ghana
International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies
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This study investigated the types of cognitive and process skills specified in the biology curriculum from selected schools in the Central Region of Ghana. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was used for the study. The accessible population however consisted of 21 schools making up 36% of the target population. The schools were categorised based on Ghana Education Service standards into grades A, B and C. The schools were selected through stratified random sampling from nine districts and municipalities in the region. Factor analysis was used to perform inferential analysis and draw conclusions on the research question. Some teachers did not organise practical activities regularly and this was affecting some profile dimensions, suggested by the teaching curriculum specifically the scientific inquiry skills. Recommendations made were that schools should employ qualified laboratory technicians to assist biology teachers in organising regular practical activities. Also support and capacity enhancing activities should be organised regularly to augment teachers’ cognitive and process skills.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba