Role and philosophical underpinnings of cultural performances during academic ceremonies: University of Education in perspective

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Role and philosophical underpinnings of cultural performances during academic ceremonies: University of Education in perspective
This paper explores the case of congregation sessions at the University of Education, Winneba (UEW); discussing the role dance plays during these academic ceremonies and exploring the presence of philosophical underpinnings backing the preparation of dances performed during congregations, a case study with population being the UEW community. Sampling was mainly purposive and data was gathered from three members each from the congregation planning committee, performing arts lecturers, audience and ten student performers. Data collection instruments included semi-structured interviews, observations, and textual and content analysis of video recordings of some of the events. Discussions highlight the importance of including cultural performances during congregations and its implications on the ceremonies. Findings reveal an inalienable subculture that incorporates music and dance firmly into the life of UEW. It also highlights philosophical underpinnings backing the dances performed during congregation ceremonies. The study opens up for comparative studies in other tertiary institutions in Ghana. This expression of cultural activities at the tertiary level is commendable and must be encouraged to safeguard the Ghanaian cultural content.