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Congruence between the intended, implemented and attained ICT curricula in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Prof. Damian, DAMIAN KOFI
Former Dean of Faculty

Mereku, D. K. & Mereku, C. W. K
Publication Year
Article Title
Congruence between the intended, implemented and attained ICT curricula in Sub-Saharan Africa.
. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education.
Issue Number
Page Numbers
1 - 14

The PanAfrican Research Agenda on the Pedagogical Integration of information and communication technology (ICT; PanAf) research project was initiated in 2006 to support initiatives in African countries to integrate ICT into teaching and learning through the frequent collection and analysis of data on ICT usage. The article examines the congruence between the intended and implemented ICT curricula in six African countries (Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, and South Africa) that participated in the study. Data obtained from the PanAf observatory (at on these countries’ use of ICT in education revealed that the national curricula documents (intended curricula) and teachers’ classroom practices (implemented curricula) both emphasize ICT as the subject of learning rather than as a means of learning.

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