EHB Vice-Rector Calls on UEW Vice-Chancellor

The Vice-Rector of Evangelische Hochschule Berlin (EHB), a Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Germany, Prof. Dr. Michael Komorek, has paid a working visit to the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), Prof. Mawutor Avoke.
The Vice-Rector was following up on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between UEW and EHB signed last year and exploring additional collaboration potential.
The meeting took place at Council Chamber, North Campus, UEW, on Wednesday, 8th March, 2023.

Prof. Dandy George Dampson, Dean, Faculty of Educational Studies (FES), UEW, who led the EHB Vice-Rector to the Vice-Chancellor disclosed EHB’s commitment to the terms of the MoU and desire to deepen the collaboration.
"The Vice-Rector and his research assistant will be here for one week for internship and collaborative research, among other areas. The internship will serve as the foundation for everything we hope to accomplish, so their students will come for a four-month internship while our students attend a study camp or summer school. We're also exploring guest lectureships, where we exchange scholars.
"Leadership, inclusivity, and language-based collaboration in English are important areas being discussed. We will be seeking funding for large-scale research through this interdisciplinary research collaboration at the individual, faculty, and institutional levels. A joint seminar is in the works. We believe that international exposure is crucial for molding our students," he revealed.

The FES Dean pointed out Prof. Avoke’s enthusiasm for the collaboration, especially on the aspect of special and inclusive education.
“It is relevant to the faculty because it is considering splitting into the Faculty of Teacher Education and Training, and the Faculty of Applied Behavioural Studies. Also, we’re thinking of dividing the Department of Special Education (SPED) into two: one for special education and the other for learning communities for people with disabilities,” he affirmed.
Prof. Dampson urged his fellow Deans and Directors to embrace the notion of internationalising in their faculties and the university as a whole. He, therefore, pleaded with them to actively collaborate with international institutions and organisations.