Prof. Acquah, Emmanuel Obed
+233502260039 | | |
Annan, J.F. & Acquah, E.O. (2015). Examining the Africanism in Kenn Kafui’s Pentanata. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 4(8), 34-46.
Acquah, E.O. (2015). Assessing the impact of computer-based programme on students’ Music compositional skills: A case of Diploma two students of UEW Music Education Department. International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies, 4(9), 346-350.
Acquah, E. O., Sackey-Sam, K. A. & Annan, J. F. (2015). Use of indigenous musical games and songs in developing the total well-being of the child. International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies,, 2(12), 112-123.
Amuah, J.A., Wuaku, H.M. & Acquah, E.O. (2015). Passion: songs for the triumphant entry, the crucifixion and the resurrection.(First). Triple M. Grafix, Accra.
Acquah, E.O. (2014, June 18-22). Empowering the primary school non-specialist Music & Dance teacher in Ghana: perceptiveness from Winneba primary schools [Paper presentation]. WASRC-PASMAE Conference & Special Annual PATAG INSET Workshop, Winneba - UEW, Central Region
Amuah, J.A., Ocran, D.S., & Acquah, E.O. (2014). Liturgical changes in the repertory of the Methodist Church Ghana. International Journal of Innovative and Applied Research, 2(2), 18-25.
Acquah, E.O., & Amuah, J.A. (2014). Thematic categorization, text interpretation and melodic relationship of songs of Ajumako Mando Kyirem Asafo No. 1. Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(3), 115-122.
Acquah, E.O., Amuah, J.A., & Annan, J.F. (2014). The contextual and performance dimensions of Asafo music from the perspective of Annual Akwambo festival. International Journal of African Society cultures and Traditions, 2(2), 50-60.
Amuah, J. A., & Acquah, E.O. (2013). Music analytical presentation of Newlove Annan’s "mɔbɔ dawur" (I will tell it to the world). International Journal of Asian Social Studies, 4(1), 100-111.
Amuah, J.A., & Acquah, E.O. (2013). Twenty-five years of choral music performance: Contribution of Winneba Youth Choir (WYC) in the socio-economic development of Ghana. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(19), 105-112.
Acquah, E.O. (2013). New Trends in Asafo Music Performance: Modernity contrasting traditions. African Journal of Arts and Culture, 1(1), 21-32.