Check out our Journal - The Journal of African Arts & Culture (JAAC), an open-access online platform for scholarly dialogue relating to African Arts and Culture.
Research is the pivot of CeRCCA. This informs advocacy, policy advice, capacity building of actors and players in the sector. members of CeRCCA participate in cultural life on local, and (inter)national stage. Our research covers major themes including:
- Cultural production and entrepreneurship
- Digitalization and technology in Culture and Creative Arts Development
- Indigenous knowledge systems and cultural preservation
- Arts, culture and sustainable futures
- Human Capital Development and growth of culture and creative arts sector
- Gender matters and Development
- Cultural policy Issues
- Tangible and intangible cultural heritage, museum, art Gallery issues
- Art history & visual material culture
- Music, sound, and culture
- Technical, Vocational, Education and Training (TVET) issues
Apart from our focused independent research on the major areas identified, our doors are opened to engage in commissioned research, and offer substantial consultancies, and advocacy on issues affecting arts and culture in Ghana and on the continent of Africa. Towards this end we partner with agencies, oragnisations, institutions and other partners to apply for grants and consultancy services. Our partnership contributes to local and (inter)national debates about the role of the Culture and creative Arts in understanding societal cultures, environmental issues, people, places, collective memories and futures, creative economy, popular culture, social justice and development, pedagogic research amongst others.