Metaphors and metonyms of ti and yi 'HEAD' expressions in Nzema and Dangme.

Metaphors and metonyms of ti and yi 'HEAD' expressions in Nzema and Dangme.
The study examines how ti and yi ‘head’ is conceptualised physically and metaphorcically in Nzema and Dangme, two Kwa languages of Ghana. It highlights the similarities and differences based on socio-cultural experiences and conceptualisation patterns of the Nzema and Dangme people. In this study, we position our scholarship on metaphors and metonyms of ‘head’ among the Nzema and the Dangme as culturally constructed. In Nzema and Dangme, the head serves as a container for conceptualisations of intelligence and wickedness. Phenomena like fortune, insanity and death are construed in terms of cognitive representation of the head. Hardwork, unity, trust, and transparency are virtues that are communicated through head-related expressions in Nzema and Dangme.