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Senior High School Students' Scientific Literacy: A Case of an Urban and a Rural School in Ghana.

Ms Quansah, Rebecca Esi

Quansah, R. E.
Publication Year
Article Title
Senior High School Students' Scientific Literacy: A Case of an Urban and a Rural School in Ghana.
Journal of Education and Practice
Issue Number
Page Numbers
ISSN 2222-288X (Online)

This study assessed the scientific literacy level of senior high school students in a rural and an urban school in Ghana. One hundred and fifty-six students were assessed using the Nature of Science Literacy Test (NOSLiT) which was developed by Wenning (2006) and focused group discussion. Data from the NOSLiT were analysed descriptively and findings from the focused group discussion were presented and discussed along six frameworks. The study revealed that most students in Ghana showed low scientific literacy level, however, students (mean score of 16.19) in the urban school showed a higher scientific literacy level than their counterparts (mean score of 15.03) in the rural school. However, there was no statistical significance difference in the performance of students across school location. NOSLiT is best used as a research instrument for identifying weaknesses in student understanding, improving instructional practice, and determining program effectiveness. It is therefore hoped that the results of this study will persuade science teachers in the Senior High Schools to employ the enquiry processes of Science teaching (MoESS, 2010) as stipulated in the science syllabus. If Ghana have to achieve quality science education.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba