Appraisal of Biology Teachers’ Practices in Organising Practical Work in Second Cycle Institutions in Eastern Region, Ghana.
0244522871 | | |
Appraisal of Biology Teachers’ Practices in Organising Practical Work in Second Cycle Institutions in Eastern Region, Ghana.
The study examined Biology teachers’ practices in organising practical work in Second Cycle Institutions in Eastern Region of Ghana. A descriptive survey research design was employed for the study.A stratified simple random sampling technique was employed to select 80 Biology teachers with at least three years teaching experience from 20 district capital schools and 18 outside district capital schools. A closed - ended questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data while observation protocol and document analysis were used to collect qualitative data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The study revealed that Biology teachers exhibited good practices in organising practical work. Statistically, in-service training contributed 15.6 % to Biology teachers practices in organising practical work (r = - 0. 156, p < 0.01). Teachers organised an average of two practical lessons per month with adequate provision of appropriate materials and supervision. In addition, teachers improvised where materials for organising practical work was not available. However, teachers never allowed students to perform practical work in groups; never followed procedures outlined in the Ghanaian Senior High School Biology syllabus and they never planned fieldtrips to enable their students observe organisms in their habitats. Also, students’ disregarded biological drawing rules in most of their drawings and never designed their own experiments during practical lessons. It is recommended that Biology teachers in Second Cycle Institutions in Eastern Region of Ghana should organise practical work at least once a week and follow procedures outlined in the Biology syllabus to help improve students practical work performance in West African Senior High School Certificate Examinations.