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The Microscale Science Equipment as a Conceptual Change and Cost-Saving Tool Towards Sustainable Development. Clute International Academic Conferences Proceedings.

Ms Quansah, Rebecca Esi

Hanson, R., Sakyi-Hagan, N., & Quansah, R. E.
Paper Title
The Microscale Science Equipment as a Conceptual Change and Cost-Saving Tool Towards Sustainable Development. Clute International Academic Conferences Proceedings.
Conference Date
4th-8th August, 2019.
Conference City
New York,
Conference Country
United States of America

There is no doubt that hands-on activities are best practice for learning science, as they make students feel like scientists and enable them to build their own concepts from first-hand experiences. However, the cost of obtaining equipment and chemicals, especially for chemistry activities is not only exorbitant but comes with its own risks. This problem can be addressed by minimising the use of chemicals through the use of a micro science equipment. Micro science equipment have been used in America, South Africa, Malaysia, and Taiwan with great success. Trial studies of the equipment in a Ghanaian university have proved successful. This paper analyses the conceptual, financial, and environmental benefits that could make the micro equipment relevant to sustainable development in Ghana as it enhances scientific conception and reduces exposure to hazardous chemical as well as toxic waste through reduced chemical use. These would implicitly lead to financial gains for national developmental programmes.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba