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Maturity length, fecundity and spawning season of Atlantic chub mackerel Scomber colias in the coastal waters of Ghana (west-central Gulf of Guinea)

Dr. Kassah, Jemimah Etornam

Kassah, J. E., Blay, J., Okyere, I. & Lazar, N.
Publication Year
Article Title
Maturity length, fecundity and spawning season of Atlantic chub mackerel Scomber colias in the coastal waters of Ghana (west-central Gulf of Guinea)
African Journal of Marine Science
Issue Number
Page Numbers

Aspects of the reproductive biology of Atlantic chub mackerel Scomber colias are reported here based on data from random samples of artisanal fish landings from Ghana. The specimens were between 13.7 cm and 40.7 cm total length (TL), and both sexes matured at a mean length (Lm50) of approximately 25 cm TL. An overall sex ratio of 1:1 was estimated for the population. Absolute fecundity of the fish ranged between 10 220 and 155 791 eggs (mean 48 238 [SE 2 324] eggs) in individuals measuring between 22.8 and 36.5 cm TL and weighing 104.3 to 525.3 g. Monthly variations in the gonadosomatic index and the proportion of fish with ripe gonads in the samples indicated the occurrence of spawning activities during two periods, March–April and June–August, the latter period of which coincided with the coastal upwelling season in Ghanaian waters. These findings are compared with those for chub mackerel from the northwestern and southwestern coasts of Africa. The results of this study will help inform the management of this small pelagic species in Ghana.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba