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Students Association

Leader in Teacher Education

The name of the association shall be known and called as Biological Science Students' Association - UEW, hereby shortened as BIOSSA -UEW


"To Fortify the Biologist for the Present Day and Future Environmental Demands".


" To Equip Biology Students with the Qualities needed for Research and Professional Skill to meet Societal Demands".


The Association seeks to:

•      increase students’ knowledge about all aspects of organisms, to encourage greater benevolence in the relationship between humans and the natural environment and to implement biological factors into various technologies or management techniques

•      further educate students in a range of biological and related sciences so as to equip them to teach Biology at the Senior High Schools

•      promote the development of appropriate teaching aptitudes and skills, and the provision of pedagogical experiences on which the student can build a sound philosophy and approach

Specific Objectives

The Biology Education programme has the following specific objectives:

•      produce quality Biology Education teachers who will be recognised nationally and internationally for their efficiency in producing excellent biology teaching in schools.

•      prepare student teachers to adequately teach Biology in Ghanaian Senior High Schools.

•      help students to appreciate the beauty of biology in explaining nature.

•      Opportunities for students to develop their unique pedagogical content knowledge (PCKs).

•      provide a conducive atmosphere for interaction between recognised science educationists in order to produce excellent biology educators.

•      help students to organise their creative knowledge, practical skills and research abilities to design teaching and learning materials for use in teaching in the senior high       schools

•      provide opportunities for students to engage in academic and educational research that will help to promote biology education in Ghana and elsewhere.


Target group

•      SHS certificate holders

•      HND holders in subjects relevant to the programme

•      Diploma holders



  • Freshers Orientation
  • Freshers Akwaaba
  • Departmental Week Celebration
  • General Assembly Meeting, at least twice a semester
  • Karaoke Night
  • BIOSSA Worship and Praises Night
  • Intra Department Soccer Competition
  • Inter Department Soccer Competition
  • Intra Department Quiz Competition
  • Dinner and Awards Night



Portfolio                                                  Name                                                              Contact

PRESIDENT.                                  AMOH BONO MOSES                                   +233548040727


VICE PRESIDENT                        FRIMPONG ABEDNEGO.                              +233555987453


GENERAL SECRETARY             EMMANUELLA D. PRINCESS                      +233597739454


FINANCIAL SECRETARY           SANDY ADUTWUM.                                      +233246713428


WELFARE OFFICER                    Helena Tsatsaboli                                 +233551597684


 PROJECT COORDINATOR         PAUL ADRAH                                                  +233247794855


© 2019 University of Education, Winneba