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Beach school project: baseline study of out-of-school youth along the Winneba beach.

Dr. Ansah, Seth Dade
  233 20 8150459

Aggrey, P. K., Yelkpieri, D., Pajibo, E., Dzikunu, C. K., Ansah, S. D. & Amoah, S. A.
Publication Year
Article Title
Beach school project: baseline study of out-of-school youth along the Winneba beach.
Education Research Journal
Issue Number
Page Numbers
31 - 38

The study sought to describe and assess the status of out-of-school youth
along the Winneba beach in the Effutu Municipality of the Central Region of
Ghana. The study employed the descriptive survey design to generate the data.
A total sample of 138 participants made up of boys and girls were involved in
the study. The sampling techniques adopted were the incidental and
snowballing. The study used semi-structured questionnaire for data collection.
Data analysis were done using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis from
Word Cloud respectively. The results revealed that the major factors for youth
dropout of school were economic, school environment, and socio-cultural
issues. Also, the results indicated that the key aspirations of the out-of-school
youth were to become security service personnel, drivers, health workers and
artisans such as welders, masons, carpenters, hairdressers and seamstress.
The study recommends that these youths should be equipped with employable
skills relating to their areas of aspirations through alternative schooling such
as the National Vocational Training Institute, tradesmen/ apprenticeship and for
others who are within the school going age who can fit into formal education
should be supported through social support programmes like the Livelihood
Empowerment Against Porverty (LEAP) and civil society organizations.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba