Service delivery to students at Cape Coast Technical University, Ghana
Service delivery to students at Cape Coast Technical University, Ghana
Bureaucratic procedures have been found to have negative impact on
services delivered to students. Bearing in mind the adverse effects of
bureaucratic procedures in public services, this study used the
descriptive research design and examined the nature of the services
provided by authorities of the Cape Coast Technical University (CCTU).
The census sampling procedure was used to include 390 students in five
schools and 52 administrators of of Cape Coast Technical University. A
60-item and 62-item questionnaires were used for collecting data from
students and administrators, respectively. Interviews were also
conducted to obtain information from the respondents. The results
revealed that, to large extent, the system for providing services to
students was challenged by inadequate human and logistical capacity
and as a result there were delays in service delivery. It is therefore
recommended that the authorities of the Cape Coast Technical
University should work with all the nine (9) administrative management
principles of maintaining adequate operational capacity levels, effective
use of resources, mounting development-oriented objectives, using
modern equipment, encouraging worker-participation, implementing
sectional accountability, assessing sectional transparency, motivating
its staff and retention of experience workers.