Mr Amoah, Emmanuel Kojo

Amoah E. K. (2024). Gender and Other Significant Factors Causing Disparities in Senior High School Students’ Mathematics Performance. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 15(1), 26-33.
Kyeremeh P., Adzifome N.S & Amoah E. K. (2022). In-service mathematics teachers’ knowledge of differentiated instruction. Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education, 7(2), 64-76. DOI:
Kyeremeh, P., Amoah, E. K., & Sabtiwu, R. (2021). Junior high school mathematics teachers’ practice of differentiated instruction and its associated challenges in Tano south district. Journal of Mathematics and Science Teacher, 17(1), 1-11. DOI:
Amoah, E. K., Kyeremeh, P., & Yeboah, D. O. (2021). Students’ and lecturers’ perceptions about the effectiveness and challenges of online mathematics instruction during the Covid-19 partial lockdown. African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics, 7(1), 133-155. DOI:
Ankomah, R. K., Oduro, R., & Amoah, E. K. (2020). Gambler’s risk of ruin and optimal bet. Communications in Mathematical Finance, 9(1), 13-27.
Ankomah, R. K., Amoah, E. K., & Obeng, E. A. (2020). Predictive Modeling of Association Football Scores Using Bivariate Poisson. American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics,, 10(3), 63-69.
Amoah E. K., Opoku D. (2019). Determination of Monthly Effect on fire Outbreaks: Case Study: Ashanti Region, Ghana. International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies, 6(6), 36-39.
Owusu-Mensah F., Amoah E.K, Akayuure P. (2019). Perceived Risk Factors associated between the Headquarters and Study Centers of The Distance Education, Winneba, Ghana. European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research, 7(6), 84-92.
Amoah E. K. (2019). Predictive Model for Fire Outbreaks: Case Study Ashanti Region, Ghana. American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 9(5), 191-198. DOI: https://doiorg/10.5923/j.ajms.20190905.02
Asiedu, M. A., Oduro, R., & Amoah, E. K. (2019). Does capital asset pricing model apply in a varying market condition?. American Journal of Finance, 4(1), 57-72. DOI: