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Completed Research /Projects


  1. Evaluation of the Ghana Teacher Licensing examinations (Sept., 2021-date) funding Agency (TEEL/NTC)
  2. Baseline Study of School Drop-outs along the Coast of Winneba (2021) funding Agency (CEPS/IERIS)
  3. Institutional Affiliation to University of Education, Winneba: Practices and Challenges (2020) funding Agency (UEW)
  4. Sustaining the Free SHS Programme in Ghana: Policy Implication (2018-2020) funding Agency (UEW)
  5. University governance and community relations in Ghana (Mar., 2018-Dec., 2020) funding Agency (CODESERIA)
  6. National Education Summit : Ministry of Education, Liberia (May, 2018) funding Agency (Government of Liberia)
  7. Managing the effects of large class size on teaching and learning in Ghana (April-Sept., 2017) funding Agency (GNAT/NAGRAT)
  8. An evaluative study on the introduction of a mobile portal for teaching reading in basic schools in Talensi and West Mamprusi districts (2016) funding Agency (Open Learning Exchange, Ghana)
  9. Employability and Skills Gap in Ghana: Perspective of students (2015) funding Agency (British Council, Ghana)
  10. An evaluative study of the effects of Teachers’ participation in Distance Education on Basic Education: A case study of Central Region in Ghana (June-August, 2015) funding Agency (Plan Ghana)
  11. A qualitative evaluation of the outcomes of a teacher training workshop for teachers in low-resource private Primary SCHOOLS (i.e. IDP Rising Schools) in Ghana (Feb., 2012-April, 2013) funding Agency (UNICEF/GES)
  12. Writing Training manual for MoE/GES-District Operation Plan and Performance review (2012) funding Agency (JICA)
  13. Human Capital Development: Tracer Study for the Graduates of the University of Education
  14. Impact Evaluation of Corporal Punishment in Ghanaian Basic Schools (Sept., 2011) funding Agency (UEW)
  15. Impact evaluation on HIV and AIDS Alert School Model (Jan., 2010) funding Agency (UNICEF)
  16. Commonwealth of Learning International Material Development Workshop for Headteachers and Principals of Schools in Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria and Serria Leone (March-April, 2010) funding Agency (Commonwealth of Learning/University of Newfoundland, Canada)
  17. Researching the Philanthropic Potential of University of Education, Winneba (UEW) (March, 2009) funding Agency (Carnegie Co-operation New York/OIA/UEW)
  18. Teachers and Access to Schooling in Ghana (July, 2008) funding Agency (DfID/University of Sussex)
  19. The role of Decentralized Education Governance in improving Access to schooling (July, 2008) funding Agency (DfID/University of Sussex)
  20. Teacher Capacity for Local Language Instruction (Feb.,-April, 2008) funding Agency (USAID/NALAP)
  21. National Best Teacher Award: Any Lessons (2007-2010) funding Agency (UEW/MOESS)
  22.  Design and Delivery of In-Service Training for Core-Subject Teachers of Senior Secondary Schools in Ghana (2007 2010) funding Agency (AfDB/UEW/MOESS)
  23. Motive for pursuing teaching as a profession by Sudent-Teachers in the University of Education (2007-2008) funding Agency (University of Education, Winneba)
  24. Research on educational access, Transition and Equity in the Mfantseman District of the Central Region of Ghana (2007-2008) funding Agency (fID/University of Sussex)
  25. Access to Basic Education in Ghana: The evidence and the Issues (CREATE County Analytic Report, 2007) (Nov. 2005-Dec. 2007) funding Agency (fID/University of Sussex)
  26. Africa-Asia University Dialogue for Basic Education research on Quality of Basic Education (2005) funding Agency (UCC/UEW/MoE/JICA)
  27. A Tracer Study of the Graduates of University College of Education of Winneba (2002) funding Agency (Association of African Universities)

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