Completed Research /Projects
- Evaluation of the Ghana Teacher Licensing examinations (Sept., 2021-date) funding Agency (TEEL/NTC)
- Baseline Study of School Drop-outs along the Coast of Winneba (2021) funding Agency (CEPS/IERIS)
- Institutional Affiliation to University of Education, Winneba: Practices and Challenges (2020) funding Agency (UEW)
- Sustaining the Free SHS Programme in Ghana: Policy Implication (2018-2020) funding Agency (UEW)
- University governance and community relations in Ghana (Mar., 2018-Dec., 2020) funding Agency (CODESERIA)
- National Education Summit : Ministry of Education, Liberia (May, 2018) funding Agency (Government of Liberia)
- Managing the effects of large class size on teaching and learning in Ghana (April-Sept., 2017) funding Agency (GNAT/NAGRAT)
- An evaluative study on the introduction of a mobile portal for teaching reading in basic schools in Talensi and West Mamprusi districts (2016) funding Agency (Open Learning Exchange, Ghana)
- Employability and Skills Gap in Ghana: Perspective of students (2015) funding Agency (British Council, Ghana)
- An evaluative study of the effects of Teachers’ participation in Distance Education on Basic Education: A case study of Central Region in Ghana (June-August, 2015) funding Agency (Plan Ghana)
- A qualitative evaluation of the outcomes of a teacher training workshop for teachers in low-resource private Primary SCHOOLS (i.e. IDP Rising Schools) in Ghana (Feb., 2012-April, 2013) funding Agency (UNICEF/GES)
- Writing Training manual for MoE/GES-District Operation Plan and Performance review (2012) funding Agency (JICA)
- Human Capital Development: Tracer Study for the Graduates of the University of Education
- Impact Evaluation of Corporal Punishment in Ghanaian Basic Schools (Sept., 2011) funding Agency (UEW)
- Impact evaluation on HIV and AIDS Alert School Model (Jan., 2010) funding Agency (UNICEF)
- Commonwealth of Learning International Material Development Workshop for Headteachers and Principals of Schools in Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria and Serria Leone (March-April, 2010) funding Agency (Commonwealth of Learning/University of Newfoundland, Canada)
- Researching the Philanthropic Potential of University of Education, Winneba (UEW) (March, 2009) funding Agency (Carnegie Co-operation New York/OIA/UEW)
- Teachers and Access to Schooling in Ghana (July, 2008) funding Agency (DfID/University of Sussex)
- The role of Decentralized Education Governance in improving Access to schooling (July, 2008) funding Agency (DfID/University of Sussex)
- Teacher Capacity for Local Language Instruction (Feb.,-April, 2008) funding Agency (USAID/NALAP)
- National Best Teacher Award: Any Lessons (2007-2010) funding Agency (UEW/MOESS)
- Â Design and Delivery of In-Service Training for Core-Subject Teachers of Senior Secondary Schools in Ghana (2007 2010) funding Agency (AfDB/UEW/MOESS)
- Motive for pursuing teaching as a profession by Sudent-Teachers in the University of Education (2007-2008) funding Agency (University of Education, Winneba)
- Research on educational access, Transition and Equity in the Mfantseman District of the Central Region of Ghana (2007-2008) funding Agency (fID/University of Sussex)
- Access to Basic Education in Ghana: The evidence and the Issues (CREATE County Analytic Report, 2007) (Nov. 2005-Dec. 2007) funding Agency (fID/University of Sussex)
- Africa-Asia University Dialogue for Basic Education research on Quality of Basic Education (2005) funding Agency (UCC/UEW/MoE/JICA)
- A Tracer Study of the Graduates of University College of Education of Winneba (2002) funding Agency (Association of African Universities)