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Dr. Bisilki, Kwesi Abraham

Dr. Bisilki, Kwesi Abraham
Senior Lecturer

Bisilki, K. A., Quint, N., & Yakpo, K. (2024). Relativization in Likpakpaln (Ghana): New typological perspectives on the Mabia (Gur) languages. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue Canadienne de Linguistique, 69(2), 235–255. DOI:

Bisilki, K. A. (2023). Causative constructions in Likpakpaanl (Konkomba) from an areal- typological perspective. Studies in African Linguistics, 52(2), 189–212.

Bisilki, K. A. (2022). Focus marking and dialect divergence in Likpakpaln (Konkomba). In G. Sibanda, D. Ngonyani, J. Choti, & A. Bierstekker Descriptive and theoretical approaches to African linguistics: Selected papers from the 49th Annual Conference on African Linguistics Language Science Press, Berlin.

Bisilki, K. A. (2021). Aspects of the grammar of Likpakpaanl: A Mabia (Gur) language spoken in Ghana [Ph.D. thesis].

Bisilki, K. A. (2018). A comprehensive guide to the study of the grammatical parts of speech: For S.H.S. and tertiary students. ISBN: 978-9964-72-561-7

Bisilki, K. A. (2016). Sociolinguistics simplified. ISBN: 978-9988-2-4339-5

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