CODeL-UEW Hosts Conference Marking for 2nd Semester Examinations

The College for Distance and e-Learning (CODeL) at the University of Education, Winneba (UEW), has held a comprehensive nine-day conference marking dedicated to the second-semester examinations of the 2022/2023 academic year.
The event, held at the Gloriaka Hotel in Winneba, witnessed the gathering of 250 examiners from 44 study centres across the country.
The conference provided a unique opportunity for examiners to evaluate the performance of CODeL students who recently completed their second-semester exams. To expedite the release of results, the conference served as a platform for thorough assessment and efficient coordination among the examiners.

Mr. Jerry Addison Anyan, the Deputy Registrar of CODeL, expressed the institution's commitment to delivering results promptly, highlighting the importance of meeting the scheduled April graduation for final-year students. He revealed that efforts were underway to publish the results before the university's official Christmas break, ensuring a smooth transition for students aiming to graduate on time.
In a bid to address concerns raised during the previous conference, Mr. Anyan urged examiners to exercise diligence in their marking process. He emphasised the need for accuracy and attention to detail, urging examiners to verify that scripts correspond with the assigned scores, and every student who sat the examinations is duly scored.
"There are a few observations from the last conference, including the marking, assessment, scoring, and results released. These are issues, and we want to urge you to be more diligent to ensure that the scripts you have been given tally with the number behind the envelopes and that every student who sat the exams is duly scored. Let us do a very good job for the cause of the university so that the name of the CODeL as well as the university will be appreciated," Mr. Anyan cautioned.

The Ag. Director of Programmes and Innovations at CODeL-UEW, Prof. Jones Apawu, extended a warm welcome to all participants on behalf of the Principal of CODeL. Prof. Apawu emphasised the critical role of examiners in the education system and urged them to prioritise the planning, teaching, and assessment phases outlined by CODeL.
"Examiners must give the planning, teaching, and assessment phases outlined by CODeL top priority in all of their interactions with students. Grading a student's script is essentially judging the student's life; therefore, examiners should try to read all that students have written to avoid depriving them of a mark that is rightfully theirs," Prof. Apawu stressed.

At the opening ceremony, Mr. Joseph Bentsil, the Examination Coordinator, introduced team leaders and marking guidelines, setting the tone for the collaborative and meticulous marking process that will ultimately shape the academic destinies of CODeL-UEW students.
The academic community eagerly anticipates the outcome, with hopes for a seamless release of results and timely graduation for final-year students in April 2024. CODeL-UEW's commitment to academic excellence and efficiency stands as a testament to its dedication to nurturing the next generation of scholars and professionals.