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Global Best Practices in the Teaching and Learning of Electronics

Dr. Mrs. Sakyi-Hagan, Nelly Adjoa
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Sakyi-Hagan, N.
Paper Title
Global Best Practices in the Teaching and Learning of Electronics
Conference Title
LASU-ACEITSE – UEW-IERIS Joint Committee Workshop on Global Best Practices in the Teaching and Learning of STEM
Conference Date
2022, October 10 - 14
Conference City
Conference State/Region
Central Region
Conference Country

Electronics is the branch of science that deals with the study of the flow and control of electrons (electricity) as well as the study of their behaviour and effects in vacuums, gases, and semiconductors, and with devices using such electrons. Hence Electronics is the science and technology concerned with regulating flow of electrical current. Put simply, it lets you move electrons around. This control of electrons is accomplished by devices (electronic components) that resist, carry, select, steer, switch, store, manipulate, and exploit the electron. While this may seem simple, the regulation of electrons has enabled some of the most important innovations of the last century including computers, televisions, rocket ships, electric cars, video games, smartphones and many more. Teaching abstract electronics concepts to students can be challenging. They often become frustrated by their inability to make the connection between theoretical models and real world application. This often drives them to avoid exploration of STEM-related careers, such as electrical engineering, because the subject is perceived as too difficult to learn. Through hands-on projects and digital simulation tools, you can get students excited, engaged and learning.

Global best practices refer to certain methods, techniques, mechanisms and practices that have been tested and found to be result oriented at a global level. They refer to those practices that have worked and produced results globally and as such, can serve as examples and templates; and set the pace for others to follow (IGI Global, 2020). The term ‘best practices’ can be interpreted in different ways but it is most commonly agreed to be a term used to ‘demonstrate instructional balance in learning’ according to Benchmark Education. The teaching strategies teachers use daily began as innovative ideas that were tested and then perfected by their creators. This suggests that the definition for best practice can be interpreted as existing teaching practices that have been proven to be effective. No matter what you do and how you teach them, the basic idea is to let pupils carry out the activities themselves. Let them learn independently and come up with their unique ideas. As they would build new things on their own, they would become more curious and eager to learn.

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