Electrical Resistivity as a Geophysical Mapping Tool; A Case Study of the New Art Department, KNUST – Ghana

Electrical Resistivity as a Geophysical Mapping Tool; A Case Study of the New Art Department, KNUST – Ghana
Continuous vertical electrical sounding (CVES) surveys were carried out on KNUST campus to ascertain the electrical properties of the formations in the area in order to determine its suitability for the construction of heavy structures. Eight 2D CVES profiles were conducted at the site in the study area with a wenner array using electrode separations of 1, 2.5 and 4 m. The apparent resistivity data were inverted using the least square inversion technique into subsurface electrical structures. The results on the profiles running N-S indicate a well defined boundary in the electrical resistivity structure between the wet granites at the base and the dry undifferentiated granites on top of it