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Interaction, The Pivot around which Quality Early Childhood Education Should Revolve

Dr. Oppong Frimpong, Samuel
Senior Lecturer

Oppong Frimpong, S.
Publication Year
Article Title
Interaction, The Pivot around which Quality Early Childhood Education Should Revolve
PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning
Issue Number
Page Numbers

This position paper advocates that the extent to which children are involved in the teaching and
learning process and their environment determines how much knowledge they can create for
themselves. The nature of children’s involvement in teaching and learning is largely couched in
interaction. Where meaningful involvement in teaching and learning is achieved, it symbolizes quality
teaching and learning. Thus, the most important ingredient in Quality Early Childhood Education
(QECE) provision is interaction, referring to the contact between two or more people or a person
and an object over a common interest. Interaction being argued to be the means by which an early
childhood centre functions on a daily basis, the quality of interaction and instruction young children
receive at the ECE centres can make or unmake their later lives. Thus, with interaction in the school,
learners can have contact with their peers, manipulate TLMs, participate actively during lesson
delivery, and take an active part in every activity. Quality interaction, therefore, shows the extent to
which learners can be involved in the content of what they are learning both indoor and outdoor
within their environment. Consequently, rich interactive experiences at ECE centre play a key role
in children’s optimal development.

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba