Dr. Barnor , Jonathan Nii Barnor

jnbbarnor@uew.edu.gh |
Barnor, J.N., Boateng, R., Kolog, E. A., Afful-Dadzie, A., Entee, E., Patterson, A. (2020, May 28-29). A Systematic Literature Review of Digital Piracy Research in Information Systems Journals (2010 – 2020) [Paper presentation]. 15th Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference, Des Moines, Iowa
Barnor, J. N. B., Boateng, R., Kolog, E. A., Afful-Dadzie, A. (2020, August 15-17). Rationalising Online Romance Fraud: In the Eyes of the Offender [Paper presentation]. 26th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2020, San Francisco
Barnor, J. N., Patterson, A. A. (2020). Cybercrime Research: A Review of Research Themes, Frameworks, Methods, and Future Research Directions. In R. Boateng (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Managing Information Systems in Developing Economies. IGI Global, Hershey. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/cybercrime-r...
Boateng, R., Barnor, J. N. (2020). Unveiling Cybercrime in a Developing Country. In M. Khosrow-Pour D.B.A. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Criminal Activities and the Deep Web. IGI Global, . DOI: https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-9715-5.....