Ms. Ashie, Augustina Adei

0242-702429 | | |
Ashie, A. A. (2021). Work-Life Balance: A Systematic Review. The International Journal of Business & Management, 9(3), 16-27.
Boakye, K. O., Adu, I. N., Gyensare, M. A., Adam, A. K. and Ashie, A. A. (2020). The Influence of Survivors’ Empowerment on the Commitment and Turnover Intentions Following Downsizing. American International Journal of Business Management, 3(8), 32-43.
Quagraine, L., Adu, I. N., Ashie, A. A., & Opoku, D. (2019). Organizational Support for Career Development and Organizational Commitment: Evidence from the Ghana Police Service. International Journal of Business and Management Review, 7(8), 26-46.
Ashie, A. A., Bingab, B. B. B. & Quagraine, L. (2019). Readiness for Change, Coping with Change & Turnover Intention: Evidence from Ghanaian Universities. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 8(4), 87-94.