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Dr Boateng, Akwasi Bosompem

Dr Boateng, Akwasi Bosompem

Boateng, A., B. (2024). Social media marketing of public universities in Ghana: the use of Facebook. In A., W., Njathi & B. Watkins (Eds.). Digital public relations and marketing communication trends in Africa. London: Routledge. In A., W., Njathi & B. Watkins (Eds.) Digital public relations and marketing communication trends in Africa. Routledge, London.

Boateng, A., B. & Tindi, S. (2022). Technology appropriation in higher education: The case of communication educators in Ghana. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 2(2), p. 1-8. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities, 2(2), 1-8. DOI:

Boateng, A., B. (2022). Social media usage and digital rights restrictions in the Republic of Chad. In In F., A. Kperogi, (Ed.) Digital dissidence and social media censorship in Africa. Routledge, London.

Boateng, A., B. (2021). Twitter as political communication platform in election campaigns in Ghana. International Journal of Communication and Media Studies, 11(2), 25-36. DOI:

Boateng, A., B., McCracken, D., P. & Lubombo, M. (2020). Intra-party election campaigns in Ghana: An analysis of Facebook use. In M., Ndlela & W., Mano (Eds.) Social media and electoral democracy in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Boateng, A., B. (2019). African regional organisations in rebuilding conflict nations in West Africa. Journal of International Affairs and Global Strategy, 75, 1-8. DOI:

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