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Mr. Ankyiah, FRANCIS

Mr. Ankyiah, FRANCIS
Publications (2024). From Kente Cloth to Tapestry Art: Exploring the Intricacies of Cultural Hybridity. In Conference: The Asian Conference on Education 2023 iafor The International Academic Forum, Tokyo, Japan. DOI:

Francis Ankyiah1*, Appiah Salomey Darkoa2. (2024). The Disconnection of Identity and Place in Drawing: Superficial Exploration of CulturalLandscapes. American Journal ofArts and Human Science (AJAHS), 3(1), 45-51. DOI:

Francis Ankyiah a*, Cyril Kpodo a, Robert Amo-Broni aand Asare Donkor Mathew a. (2023). When the Artist Studio is Alive, Art is Alive: Empowering Art Educators and Students through Live Studio Practice. Asian Research Journal of Arts & Social Sciences, 21(1), 1-11. DOI:

Francis Ankyiah. (2023). Ritual Ecology and Sirigu Mural Paintings: Interrogating the Intersection of Art and Culture. Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences, 6(4), 1-15. DOI:

Francis Ankyiah1* and Frederick Bamfo2. (2023). Race and Women in Painting: Unveiling the Intersectionality of Race, Gender, and Identity in Artistic Representation. Journal of Advanced Research in Women’s Studies, 1(2), 61-71. DOI:

Francis Ankyiah. (2023). Riding against patriarchy: Gloria Sarfowaa's Self Portraiture in Appropriated Historical Equestrian in Contemporary Feminist Portrait. Sexuality and Gender Studies Journal, 1(2), 11-23. DOI:

Francis Ankyiah1* and Frederick Bamfo2. (2023). Examining Studio-Based Art Practices as a Means of Fostering Critical Thinking Skills in Young Learners. International Journal of Childhood Education, 4(2), 106-116. DOI:

Francis Ankyiah. (2023). Mobile Marketing in the Art Industry: Trends and Insights. Journal of Social Media Marketing Journal of Social Media Marketing This journal doesn’t have a profile on ResearchGate yet. Interested in this journal? Get notified when it activates its profile, and start getting updates, 2(2), 20-34. DOI:

Francis Ankyiah* Robert Amo-Broni. Daniel Ato Adubah. Emmanuel Ofosu Kwateng. (2020). Drawings and Traditional Ghanaian Adinkra Symbols: ProposalDrawings of Emmanuel Ofosu Kwateng Architectural Designs. Arts and Design Studies, 80, 1-8. DOI:

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