Mr. Abraham, Ebenezer Kow

Mensah, T.K., Gyachie, D.A, & Abraham, E.K. (2024). Navigating Tradition and Innovation: Trans-Mordernism among Five Contemporary Young Ghanaian Painters. European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology, 4(3), 371-393.
Mensah, T. K. & Abraham, E. K. (2023). Aesthetical Discourse on ‘Unity Monument’ and its Role in Peace-Building in Simpa, Ghana. Journal of African Arts & Culture, 6(1), 1-20.
Mensah, T. K. & Abraham, E. K. (2022, June 28-30). The Unity Monument: A hope to the end of the Political Quagmire and Peace in Simpa [Paper presentation]. Creative Arts Conference, Winneba, Central Region
Abraham, E. K. (2022). Theophilus Kwesi Mensah: Sculptures in the Public Space of Winneba. -, -, -.