Mr. Asiamah , Samuel Kofi

+233 208893394 | | |
Atitianti, P. A., Asiamah, S. K., Arthur, B., & Duku, J. A. (2024). Does Aid Improve Local Wealth? Micro-Level Evidence from Africa. Journal of International Development, 1, 1-21. DOI:
Atitianti, P. A., & Asiamah, S. K. (2023). Chinese foreign direct investment and business start-ups in Africa. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development :, 15(6), 661-6670. DOI:
Atitianti, P. A., & Asiamah, S. K. (2023). Aid and Governance: Impact of Chinese Aid on the Evaluation of Government Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa. Africa Spectrum, 58(1), 64-68. DOI:
Asiamah, S. K. (2023). Assessment of financial system and economic growth: An empirical evidence from Ghana’s stock market. Journal of Economics and International Finance, 15(1), 12-21. DOI: