About Us
Brief history
The Physics Unit of the Department of Science Education since the inception of the University in 2004 has been growing at a rapid rate. Increase in student enrolment to Physics (Major) in the then Science Education programme has followed an encouraging upward trend, indicating that Physics is becoming popular with applicants to the Department of Science Education. Considering this trend and also taking cognisance of the scarcity of Physics teachers in the senior high schools and other pre-tertiary institutions, there was the need to restructure the Department of Science Education into four different ones (Biology, Chemistry, Integrated Science and Physics Education) to admit more qualified students to the various programmes.
The Department of Physics Education was one of the Departments carved out from the then Department of Science Education in the Faculty of Science Education in the 2010/2011 academic year.
Objectives/Goals/Mission/Vision Statement
- To develop in students practical skills in Physics teaching at the SHS level with confidence;
- To provide opportunities for students to use their creative knowledge, practical skills and research abilities to design teaching and learning materials for use in teaching Physics at SHS level;
- To develop in students problem-solving strategies by providing them with specific tactics for solving Physics problems; and
- To help students to identify the relevant Physics concepts needed to explain phenomena in nature.
To be internationally reputable for training Physics Teachers and doing research in Physics Education.
To train competent professional teachers in Physics for the secondary and tertiary levels of education as well as conduct research in Physics, disseminate knowledge in Physics and contribute to the educational policy and development.
• Academic staff of the Department of Physics Education, University of Education, Winneba have been invited by Senior High Schools like Senya Senior High School and Adankwaman Senior High Technical School to teach their students on some selected topics that students find it difficult to comprehend.
• Academic staff of the Department of Physics Education has been mentoring Physics Teachers of some Senior High Schools on how to teach Physics.
Contact information
E-mail: physicseducation@uew.edu.gh
- Programmes
- Title: B.Sc Physics Education
- Duration: 4 years
- Type (Undergraduate, post graduate): Undergraduate
- Mode (Regular, Sandwich, Distance): Regular
- Description:
Physics is one of the most fundamental sciences and it is concerned with the basic principles of the Universe. It is one of the foundations on which other disciplines like astronomy, chemistry and geology are built. Physics can be broadly grouped into the following areas: Mechanics, Thermodynamics Electromagnetism, Optics, Waves and Sound, Relativity, Electronics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics, and Quantum.
The Department of Physics Education, UEW, offer both the theory aspect of Physics (the content), practical work to support the theory learnt and the Pedagogical skills students will need to teach the subject.
The duration of the programme is 4 years. Students are supposed to use the first semester of their final year to do internship programmes where they use about 3 months to practice on the field under mentors. The last semester of their final year is used to defend their philosophy in teaching, reflective practices and portfolio development.
Career Options/Programme Prospects:
- Sectors of the economy that can employ graduates of the programme:
- Teaching positions in the senior high schools and junior high schools in Ghana.
- Placements in the District/Municipal/Regional Directorates of the Ghana Education Service.
- Placements in the Regional and National Offices of the Ministry of Education, Ghana.
- Job opportunities with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and other research institutions in Ghana.
- Job opportunities with industries in Ghana.
- Graduates of the programme can be Employed by the Following:
- Ghana Education Service (Classrooms)
- District/Municipal/Regional Directorates of the Ghana Education Service.
- Regional and National Offices of the Ministry of Education, Ghana.
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
- Statistics:
- Total Teaching Staff : Five (5)
- Total Administrative Staff: Two (2)
- Laboratory Technician: One (1)
- Total Number of students (Faculty level):
- Awards / Recognitions: None
- Total Programme/ Fields of Study: 46
- Policies/Handbook/Manuals/Guidelines: Handbook for Physics Education students
- Research & Collaborations, Projects and Exhibition:
- Resources / Facilities (e.g. Library, Labs, Gym): 2 Laboratories and a Science Faculty Library
- Student Association:
- Overview Description:
Department of Physics Education has a student Association. It is called the Physics Education Students Association (PHESA). It was created in 2018/2019 academic year. It was emerged from the Association of Science Students (ASES). ASES comprised the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Integrated Science and Health and Administration Education. In 2018/2019 ASES was separated into its Departments.
- Aims/Objectives:
- To organize students to Physics related functions
- To become more united as Physics students to fight for a common front
- To meet regularly to discuss issues that will promote the Department of Physics Education
- To allow students to contribute their quota to uplift the image of the Department of Physics
- To meet other Physics Associations to share ideas for the promotion of Physics Education
- Leaders: Emmanuel Asare Botwe (President of PHESA), Emmanuel Akurigo (Vice President), Edward Busheal (General Secretary), Emmanuel Tawiah (Financial Secretary, Paul Agyekum (Treasurer),
- Activities:
- Organize departmental games to welcome fresh students into the Department
- Meet to help the fresh students in some of their courses, when they encounter problems.
- Active participation in Faculty of Science Education Week
- Organizing meeting for Lecturers in the Department to give them Pep talk
- Achievements:
- Spreading the good name of the Department of Physics Education to friends, schools and other associations
- Contacts:+233 549 250 609
- Any interesting or peculiar information/feature:
- The Physics Education Students Association (PHESA) has been organizing study trips to various places like VRA (Akosombo and Akuse) to see how electricity is generated through hydro, Apostle Kwadwo Sarfo Suaye Industry in Gomoa Mpota and Ghana Atomic Energy Commission in Accra.
- PHESA organizes sports competition with other Associations in University of Education, Winneba