Making Information and Communication Technology as a Program in Senior High School Curriculum: Teachers' Concerns.

Making Information and Communication Technology as a Program in Senior High School Curriculum: Teachers' Concerns.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) education is considered a subject not a program in Ghanaian Senior High Schools (SHS) curriculum. However, the performance of students offering ICT-related programs in Higher Education is abysmal. Therefore, this study investigated the teachers' concerns about making ICT a program in the Ghanaian Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum. 320 teachers in SHSs in Ghana were used for the study. The study employed a cross-sectional survey approach to investigate the teachers' concerns. Descriptive statistics independent sample t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test were conducted on the responded survey data. The ICT teachers reported that ICT knowledge is relevant for students in SHS (mean = 3.909, SD = 1.093), the students would have several job opportunities (mean = 3.888, SD = 1.215), and should be made a program in the SHS curriculum in Ghana (mean = 3.963, SD = 1.105). Also, there was a statistically significant difference (t (318) =-1.022, p = 0.00 < 0.05) between the concerns of female and male teachers on matters of making ICT a course in the SHS curriculum. Additionally, perceived relevant knowledge of ICT and job opportunities would significantly, F = 138.634 and p = 0.000(< 0.05) influence the making of ICT as a program in the SHS curriculum. The findings draw implications for the Ministry of Education and SHS curriculum planners in updating the curriculum to prepare SHS students with the essential ICT knowledge and skills for higher education and future employment.