Knowledge and Practice of Assessment: Empirical evidence from Early Childhood Teachers in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana

Knowledge and Practice of Assessment: Empirical evidence from Early Childhood Teachers in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana
Sound assessment fosters learning, improves
teaching, and provides information about what has been done
or achieved by learners. Children cannot develop without them
being assessed. However, information available to the
researchers suggests that researches is done or are not done
specifically at the early childhood level. This sequential
explanatory mixed method was used to examine knowledge and
assessment practices in some selected ECE centres in the
Kumasi Metropolis. Two hundred and forty-two trained early
childhood teachers were selected using table of random numbers
and purposive sampling procedures. Self-developed
questionnaire and a structured interview were used for data
collection. The findings show that most of the participants had
some level of understanding on assessment practices. It was
found that, the majority of the teachers used assessment tools
such as class exercise, portfolio building, in assessing their
children. It was further found that most of the teachers had
some level of experiences as they use the assessment tools,
although they couldn’t use multiple tools in their assessment. To
maintain and improve the teachers’ level of understanding on
assessment practice, it is recommended that refresher courses
on modern trends of assessment should be frequently organised
to keep and maintain the knowledge base and skills of the
teachers in assessment practices. It is also recommended that
teachers should be sensitized on regular basis on the importance
of their assessment practices to effectively practicalize the
assessment done on pupils.