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Print Media Reportage on Public Fashion Art Education in Ghana

Dr. Abban, Emmanuel
Senior Lecturer
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Emmanuel Abban & Alexander Oppong Brenyah
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Print Media Reportage on Public Fashion Art Education in Ghana
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughs (IJCRT)
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This study investigated into the print media reportage on public fashion education in Ghana. This study was conducted on print media, (newspaper): the daily graphic English newspaper. The study highlighted the tone and frame used by writers to define fashion in art and to understand the information put across in their newspapers. The study adopted the qualitative research method which employed the descriptive and analytical design using instruments such as content, text and context analysis. The population of the study was centered mainly on the English newspaper, and Ghanaian daily graphic newspaper. The findings of the study revealed that less attention has been given to fashion and creative arts in the Ghanaian print media domain, as compared to other disciplines and publications such as sports, politics and business news. It is therefore important for fashion stakeholders to understand how media works, the frames that media uses to communicate issues, the sources which influence how stories are framed, and the amount of space allotted to fashion topics so that fashion organizations will able to develop plans that allow for maximum coverage.

Keywords: Art, Fashion, Frame, Media, Print, Reportage, Tone

© 2019 University of Education, Winneba